Today we would like to dispense with introductory words and go directly to Impression on a Man the essence of the problem at hand. A good impression on a foreign gentleman can be made “With the Love” of politeness and good manners. Unfortunately, today there are such simple and, believe me, good manners rules Dating that are appropriate in any situation, such as a greeting or a suitable form of address (for example, you instead of you, if we are addressing a person we don’t know, or “I didn’t quite understand you. Can you, please explain to me?”, instead of “I don’t understand. What did you want?”), are deliberately ignored, or simply simply forgotten.
“Nothing costs us so cheaply and is not valued so dearly as politeness” Cervantes, “Don Quixote” – Dating
Nowadays, access to the Internet has become available to anyone, and the Internet itself has become a zone of impersonal communication, a “place” where absolutely everyone can afford whatever they want and this will not have any impact on their daily life. Feel free to engage in often rude discussions with other users; do not skimp on expressions and insults; be rude to other people, offend the dignity of another person;
Impression on a Man leave sharp comments under celebrity photos, and then, with a clear conscience and a sense of accomplishment, continue to live your “offline” life. After all, we are not face to face with our interlocutor, an “online” opponent, we do not know anything about him, about his life, about his emotional state at the moment and, as a result, we do not perceive him as a full-fledged personality,
The sphere of international dating,
dating for serious relationships and starting a family, unfortunately, did not stand aside. Recall that dating and relationships are very sensitive topics, rudeness or manifestations of intolerance are inappropriate here. Everyone wants to meet a person for a long-term romantic relationship, create a family, in the end, find their love and become happy, and not be ridiculed or humiliated! triptogether.com
Analyzing letters from men and women Impression on a Man coming to our customer support service, their personal examples of communication with the opposite sex on international dating sites, we came to the conclusion that very often interlocutors refer to each other as to an impersonal “account”. The culture of writing and communication between people suffers. The letters very often lack a greeting, a person’s name or a polite form of address, the messages themselves are quite short and resemble telegrams.
Which are purely functional in nature,
rather than full-fledged letters from adults. For those who have forgotten or have not encountered telegrams that have already become obsolete, we recall. In a time when there was no Internet and mobile communications, when long-distance calls were expensive and not every family had a home phone, people sent telegrams to each other. The cost of a telegram varied depending on the number of characters it contained.
Therefore, each word had to carry a meaning, in order to get as few characters as possible, and, accordingly, the shipping cost was cheaper … For example, “I’m looking for a serious relationship. I have children. I like to cook.” Such a “telegram principle” of composing letters: when there are no subjects or predicates in a sentence, a space after a dot or a comma, when a thought is conveyed using two words – when meeting a foreigner for the purpose of a serious relationship is unacceptable in our time.
The lack of courtesy and tact in correspondence with a foreign man often develops into rudeness. And rudeness has nothing to do with the search for a life partner, with acquaintances for a serious relationship, with the image of a tender and feminine girl. One of the important rules of communication with other people can be formulated as follows: leave people joyful and filled with warmth after communicating with you, and not be devastated and disappointed. triptogether
“Courtesy and good manners are absolutely necessary to adorn any other virtues and talents” F. Chesterfield – Impression on a Man
In correspondence and communication with a foreigner, in order to make a good impression and to make the gentleman pleasant and easy to communicate with you, do not forget :
- Say hello and goodbye.
- Wish you a good day or good night.
- Say “thank you” and “please”. Dale Carnegie, in his book How to Stop Worrying and Start Living, makes the ability to be grateful and openly say “thank you” to other people directly dependent on the upbringing of a person and cites the words of Dr. S. Johnson as an example: “Gratitude is the result of a high level of human moral development . You will not find it among ill-mannered people” .
- Respond politely to compliments and thank you. It is worth dwelling on this point in more detail. We are sure that every woman is well aware of her attractiveness. However, the answer to a compliment from a foreign gentleman: “I myself know that I am beautiful” sounds rather rude. The charm of the image of a beautiful and tender woman can be easily destroy, one rude and inappropriate statement is enough.
- Politely report that you do not understand the interlocutor.
- Pay attention to spelling and punctuation. Agree that it is better to calmly re-read the message and correct the errors before sending than, by sending a message in a hurry, to give the impression of a person who does not know his native language.
When corresponding with a foreigner, forget : Impression on a Man
- Words, parasites and slang. For example, all “che”, “type”, “graft”, “oki”. Such expressions cannot be correctly translated using an electronic translator.
- imperative form of speech. “Write”, “do”, “call”, “translate”. Instead, it is better to politely write, for example, “I would be glad if you call me”, “Could you write to me about …?”.
- About rudeness and causticity. Foreigners believe that Slavic women are distinguish by their sincerity, femininity , tenderness and good upbringing. The image of an arrogant rude woman is not included in their ideas about Slav women.
“Just as education, nobility and honor are absolutely necessary in order to earn. The respect and admiration of people, politeness and good manners are no less. Necessary to become desirable and pleasant in conversations and in everyday life” F. Chesterfield
In the end, the purpose of communication on an international dating site is not disputes and quarrels. But real relationships. A well-bred and educated foreigner will want to introduce to his parents and friends. Not an ill-mannered rude woman. But a girl who knows how to make a good impression. Has a sense of tact, is polite and helpful in handling.
You can find a continuation of this topic in the daily life of Germans in the article “Dating Germans: on politeness and the culture of writing” . In this
RELATED ARTICLE: 10 Impressions on Online Dating
article, we talked about the important place politeness occupies in. The life of Germans, about how important it is to be able to write letters politely.
In conclusion, we note that the importance of good manners is emphasises. Even when learning foreign languages! In the course of studying any foreign language. A special place is by the topic devote to the forms of polite address. The rules of good manners and behavior adopted in. The country where they speak the language being studied.